Tuesday 1 January 2013

Thank you for the music: my songs of 2012.

Hello! Welcome to my countdown of my top 5 songs of 2012! All but one were released in 2012, but that song was one I discovered in 2012 anyway. Plus - being released in 2011 - it's hardly from a different era of music. It needs the promotion more than the others one do, anyway, being the only independently released song on the list.

5. Nicki Minaj - Starships (Genre: Pop)

I have chosen the lyric video for this song, because the music video makes me feel ill. The song is, really, awful. It makes very little sense, shows off no musical talent...but the memories of me and my friend Matt pretending to rave while listening to this loudly in his car are some of my fondest memories of 2012. There is something about the low-quality, nonsense nature of the song that takes me back to how I enjoyed music as a child, and I enjoy it on the most basic level - enjoying it even more so because I know I shouldn't enjoy it. The fact I like something I should - and previously did - detest amuses me.

4. Swinging for Mars - Go to Hell (Genre: Rock)


This song isn't on YouTube, but you can hear it all at the above link. I like Swinging For Mars; firstly, because I know two of the members of the band (hello Rich/Joe if you're reading this!); but secondly - more importantly - they make good music. Give it a chance, eh?

3. Vince Kidd - Sick Love (Genre: Pop/R'n'B)

I have listened to this song more than any other this year; it sits on the top of my iTunes most-played list. I firstly like it because I like Vince Kidd - I love male singers who sing falsetto, and he is brilliant at it. It is also damn catchy. However, I mainly think it is notable for my 2012, because it is a highly sexually charged track. I first heard this song in April, when an unfinished version was on YouTube...and you know what? I hated it. I just felt really awkward listening to it, the confidence of it made me nervous, and I distinctly remember pressing the dislike button on the video. But now, for the song to be the most-played on my iTunes...I feel it epitomises my 2012 transition from a shy, awkward young guy to a much more confident, happy in myself person. Still a bit awkward, yes. But there's much more confidence in myself and my abilities. In April of 2012, I'd never had a girlfriend, and there are plenty of examples on my podcasts recorded before then where you can see I genuinely never thought I'd get one - a perfect example being one where I said "I don't want a girlfriend; girls are rubbish". It was partly a joke - pretending that being single was 100% my choice, instead of being the fact no-one was interested - but ultimately, I said that because I didn't think anyone would ever be interested, so I resigned myself to just being alone. But now? Hi, I'm Tom Mayhew. I'm really funny, kind, great company, loyal, generous and I'm not bad looking. Sure, I have annoying hair, but I also have nice skinny legs and a nice smile. I spend plenty of time after midnight playing the above song on my iPod and dancing around to it in my kitchen. I'm awesome.

2. Plan B - ill Manors (Genre: Rap)

I've loved Plan B for a long time - his soul/rap concept album, The Defamation of Strickland Banks, was my favourite album of 2010 - but it was his 2006 debut rap album that I first really enjoyed. So I was delighted to hear him return to his rappy-roots, once again tackling important social issues (in this case, the 2011 London riots) with intelligence and skillful usage of words. I also love the song because every time I hear it, I remember the time in June where I shared a live performance of it on Mairi's Facebook wall; she said she would tell me what she thought of it, to which I replied "Yes you must. In second-by-second detail". I came home from a comedy gig later that night to 219 comments on the Facebook post. I laughed. Lots. Here are some examples:

  • 0:01 - Video started. Looking good so far.
  • 0:04 - String instruments kicked in. I like string.
  • 0:11 - Dramatic camera sweep. Everyone loves dramatic camera sweeps.
  • 0:13 - Camera continues to sweep. Good sweeping action. Enjoyable.
  • 0:21 - Words.
I find myself re-reading all the comments again right now, and I am still reduced to tears of laughter. It was just a beautifully hilarious and silly thing to do, and will forever be one of my favourites things about Mairi, and about 2012. 

1. The Enemy - This Is Real (Genre: Rock)

This is my favourite song of 2012. The album was released late May, which was the time where I first met the girl who would go on to become my first girlfriend, the aforementioned Mairi. The relationship was against the odds somewhat - we lived 500 miles away from each other (she lives in Scotland; yes, I would walk 500 miles. Go tell The Proclaimers that.) This made the line "Our backs against the wall, you and me against it all" seem apt. The lyrics "love, we don't have much, but what we have's enough, just hold your head up and we'll be OK" summed up how I felt about the relationship - the circumstances weren't ideal, or perfect, but as long as we loved each-other we'd be OK. Y'know what? We were more than OK; at times, we were on top of the world, regardless of whether we were in the same room or whether we were Skyping from different countries. The best weekend of my 2012 was in Mairi's company, and there are 100s of lovely memories I have thanks to her. This song is intrinsically linked to my first ever love, so it was the only choice for my song of 2012.

There we go. These aren't necessarily my most-played songs of 2012, but when I look back on it as a year, these will be the songs that immediately spring to mind.

Thanks for indulging me - I am aware this is very self-involved. But hey; if it leads to one person discovering a new song they go on to love, it'll be worth it. Even if it doesn't, I've enjoyed going back and listening to my year's favourite songs, so NEUGH! :P

Happy New Year everyone!



  1. Delighted to see "Starships" made your top 5, mate! Never have I been so pleased that something so awful has done so well. XD Fun times singing along indeed. I hope for more of the same in 2013. :)

    Loving your numbers 2 and 3 as well! Great list!

  2. Ah, this is a great and really sweet blog. I properly enjoyed listening to your number 1. I haven't listened to a lot of The Enemy but almost every song of theirs that I have heard, I like. I like your reasoning for 5, awful song but there are a good few songs from this summer where I like them for the fun memories I have with my friends, I listened to and enjoyed 4 and 2 is the only Plan B song I have on my iPod as I sort of like it (even though I didn't really like the film Ill Manors or any other song on the soundtrack). I enjoyed your reasoning for them all. :)


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