Friday 20 December 2013

Hello there. Merry Christmas and all that. Guess what my friend Dan has done? ONLY GONE AND RECORDED AND RELEASED AN ALBUM!

This is my first blog post since Project Create?! Crazy.

Christmas is soon; maybe you are thinking "darn, I haven't got Tom Mayhew a present yet!"; maybe you are thinking "Tom is a nice boy who didn't offend me in 2013"; or maybe you are thinking "first blog since July?! What have you been doing all that time, dressing as The Grinch and stuffing your face with gingerbread men?" - yes, it has been mainly that. Regardless of this, I have something I'd like you to check out.

My good friend Dan Kempster has released an album. He spent the best part of the last 18 months working on it. Having started the year not knowing how to play guitar, he's released an album that is 100% self-written and self-played, with Dan singing the vocals, playing the drums, playing the guitar, and even playing piano on one of the tracks.

Not only that, but it is a wonderful album, chronicling his life from the age of 17 to the age of 21. Over that period, it covers his experiences of University, love, loss, and working cleaning up other students vomit for minimum wage. It's a brilliant creation, and you can either download it for free, or contribute a couple of pounds if you so choose. If you did either I would consider it a lovely present to myself, as well as it being a lovely present to Dan.

Many thanks, and Merry Christmas!

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